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Born and raised in Sulaymanah, Kurdistan of Iraq.  After graduating from high school he studied at the Fine Art Institute in Baghdad, Iraq.  Sardar then took a job teaching art in a local high school.  With help from the local art cultural arts center, Sardar cam to America in 1964.  After two years of living in the States, he was awarded a grant to study at the Academy of Art in Pairs.  Upon completing his studies in Paris, Sardar returned to the United States and took a job with a local production company.  He currently resides in California, where he works for NBC as a scenic artist.

1963:              Diploma Fine Art Institute 
                       Baghdad, Iraq

1963-1964:     After graduation from Fine Arts Institute at Baghdad I taught                    
                        Art at Shaqlwawa High School

1965:              Solo Art Exhibit at the American Friends of the Middle East, Baghdad

1965-1967:   Academie de Beaux Arts in Paris-studied painting

1967:           France-Amerique Gallery
                      9 Avenue Franklin D-Roosevelt, Paris

1970-1974:   Sculptures and Paintings in various group shows in the US and abroad

1973:           Solo art show: KFAC Skinny Art Gallery
                     Hard edge shaped canvas, Kurdish Lady series

1973:           Solo art show: Paedei Gallery located on N. La Cienega Gallery, LA
                     Hard edged shaped canvas star shaped abstraction

1974:           Solo art show: Padedei Gallery  
                      Intersection Series of Fiberglass

1974:           Group Show: Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery

1975:           Solo Art Show: Padedei Gallery
                     Vertical/Horizontal Series

1976:           Solo Art Show: Pededei Gallery
                     Sprouts Series

1980:           Interview on NBC on "Everywhere Show"
                     Re: The Forces Series/Sculptures

1980:           Group Show: Downey Museum of Art
                     Sculptures from-"The Forces Series"

1983:           Group Show:  Downey Art Museum
                      Sculpture Exhibition

1985:          Group Show:  SPARK Gallery: Denver, Colorado

1986:          Two Man Show:  SPARK Gallery, Denver, Colorado

1987:          Denver Art Expo:  Chemical Warfare Effect

1987:          Group Show:  SPARK Gallery, Denver, Colorado

1988:          Solo Art Show:  SPARK Gallery, Denver, Colorado

1989:          Amnesty International: Denver, Colorado
                    Effect of Chemical Warfare

1990:          Group Show:  Kurdish National Congress, LA, CA

1990:          Group Show:  American Gallery, LA, CA

1991:          Group Show at Beyond Baroque in Venice, CA

1991:          Group Show:  Amnesty International at LA, CA Regional Conference
                    Exhibition on Human Rights Violation

1992, '93 & '94:   Group Show - DADA, Los Angeles, CA

1993:          United Nations 50th Anniversary :  Recommitment and Remembrance
                    Anne Frank Exhibit - Newport Harbor Museum Annex

1995:          Group Show - El Pueblo Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

1996:          Group Show:  Gulf War Effect on the Iraqi People

1998-2003:  Experimental Abstract Paintings

1998-Present:   Car Paintings for Jay Leno’s Automobile Museum Collection

2006:          New Experimental Art Pieces in Process
